Pjesmarrësit 2010 - 2011
Këto janë skedat informative për pjesmarrësit në Festivalin Europian të Këngës të viteve 2010 & 2011.

2010 Juliana Pasha -
It's all about you
Nuk mundem pa ty
2011 Aurela Gace -
Feel the passion
Kënga ime

Skeda informative:
Kënga Ime
Këndon: Aurela Gace
Muzika: Shpëtim Saraci
Teksti :Sokol Marsi
Festivali i 49.të i Këngës në RTSH
Drejtuar nga :Jonida Maliqi, Josif Gjipali & Mirela Naska
Pallati I Kongreseve
Tirana/Albania 23,24 Dhjetor 2010
Finalja 25 Dhjetor 2010
Pjesmarrëse në Festivalin Europian të Këngës i cili u zhvillua në Dyseldorf të Gjermanisë në Maj të vitit 2011. Kënga u këndua në anglisht.
2011 "Feel the passion"
Gjysëmfinale radhitet 14 - 47 pikë.
Finale (nuk kualifikohet)
Azerbajxhani fiton me këngën "Running scared" kënduar nga Ell dhe Nikki.
Skeda informative:
Nuk mundem pa ty
Këndon: Juliana Pasha
Мuzika: Ardit Gjebrea
Teksti: Ardit Gjebrea & Pirro Cako
Festivali i 48.të i Këngës në RTSH
Drejtuar nga:Miriam Cani & Alban Skënderaj
Pallati i Kongreseve
Tirana/Albania 24,25 & 26 Dhjetor 2009
Finalja 27 Dhjetor 2009
Pjesmarrëse në Festivalin Europian të Këngës i cili u zhvillua në Oslo të Norvegjisë në Maj të vitit 2010. Kënga u këndua në anglisht.
2010 "It's all about you"
Gjysëmfinale radhitet 6 - 76 pikë.
Finale radhitet 16 - 62 pikë.
Gjermania fiton me këngën "Satellite" kënduar nga Lena Meyer-Landrut.
It's all about you
You are the one, you give me the time that I need
And its me, and I'm calling
You are the one, making it easy to me
In love with you I'm falling
We've been down, don't you know it went down here
I feel it, even now, time that we make a deal
And seal it
Its all about you, the things that I do
The rest of the world don't understand me
You're all that I dream, everything that I need
Cause when you are gone, I feel so empty
Its all in the way you look at me, and you're driving me crazy
Its all about you, all the things that I do
You are my life, cause you make it amazing
I'm the one who doesn't know how to say no
To you, I'm so easy
I'm the one, who's spending my evening just home
For you, you complete me
We've been down, but don't you know it went down here
And I feel it, so stick around, I wanna know what it feels like
Forever and ever
It's all about you, the things that I do
The rest of the world don't understand me
You're all that I dream, everything that I need
Cause when you are gone, I feel so empty
Its all in the way you look at me, you're driving me crazy
Its all about you, all the things that I do
You are my life, cause you make it amazing
I'm never alone with the love that you're giving
Whenever I go, I'm hoping you miss me
Don't wanna ever go back, never ever go back
Oh, baby you're my destiny, oh yeah
Its all about you, the things that I do
The rest of the world don't understand me
You're all that I dream, everything that I need
Cause when you are gone, I feel so empty
Its all in the way you look at me, you're driving me crazy
Its all about you, all the things that I do
You are my life, cause you make it amazing
Its all about you
Feel the passion
Feel my heart, feel the words beat low
I sing my song and the echo flows
And wherever I go, I just want you to know
You’re the blood in my veins and the love in my soul
You are my wave rippling over sea
You dry my tears and you make me grieve
But wherever I go, I just want you to know
My moment in time, oh sweet song of mine, eh…
I’m like an eagle in the open sky
I’ll never land, I’m flying high
Let me share my song with you, just feel the passion
Love’s the message shining through, a chain reaction
It brings my heaven down to earth and this is why
It drives me mad but it gives me life, I’m free to fly, eh…
And when I feel that I thirst for you
I dab my lips with your morning dew
But wherever I go, I just want you to know
Sweet song, live forever and I’ll live with you, eh…
I’m like an eagle in the open sky
I’ll never land, I’m flying high
Let me share my song with you, just feel the passion
Love’s the message shining through, a chain reaction
It brings my heaven down to earth and this is why
It drives me mad but it gives me life, I’m free to fly, eh…
(Let me share my song with you, just feel the passion)
(Love’s the message shining through, I’m free to fly)
Zot, qe këngën ma ke fal, më lër të ndaj
Nuk ka ngjyrë e nuk ka fjalë, muret s’e mbajnë
It brings my heaven down to earth and this is why
It drives me mad but it gives me life, I’m free to fly, eh…
(Let me share my song with you, just feel the passion) Yeah…